Friday, 22 February 2008

Meeting of Officials for Event 12th March

We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 12th March at 8.30 pm St Johns Wood, London.

This will be to go over the rules for fighters, Refs and Judges. We will have a demo and walk through of the rules.

Judges and Refs will be invited each year from different branches of Wing Chun.

We hope to have an event that will be an excellent place for Wing Chun to grow.

Event Fight Training night

We held a event fight training night this week. We had guys from 4 different schools come down to go over the rules and also have a roll with my guys and me. All went very well. The guys that came down where very nice and enjoyed meeting my group. Just shows that the event as already started positive interaction between different schools already!

We will hold another date shortly. All are welcome.

Robert Chu Workshop at Seni Excel London April 27th

Robert Chu Sifu will be teaching his first open workshop this year at Seni London Excel on 27th April. Go to to book

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Wing Chun International Chi Sao Open

Welcome to the Wing Chun International Chi Sao Open
We will be keeping you up to date with the lastest news and developments of the up coming event to be held at Seni in London this year.